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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

"Don't think that love has be to permanent, and it will make your love life more beautiful because you will know that today you are together, and tomorrow perhaps you will have to part.
Love comes like a fresh, fragrant breeze into your home, fills it with freshness and fragrance, remains as long as existence allows it, and then moves out. You should not try to close all your doors, or the same fresh breeze will become absolutely stale. In life, everything is changing and change is beautiful; it gives you more and more experience, more and more awareness, more and more maturity."


Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Ewa Beach Man Arrested For Kidnapping 4-Year-Old Girl

 A man is in police custody after he allegedly kidnapped a four year girl from her family's backyard.

The incident happened around 5:30 pm Monday afternoon in Ewa Beach. The girl and her 5-year-old brother were playing in their backyard when a stranger that lived nearby came to the backyard's chain linked fence. Witness say that 37-year-old Ian K. Coen took the little girl and brought her to a nearby 7-eleven store on Fort Weaver road to buy her candy. The girl's 5-year-old brother told their father what happened. The father then called on family and friends to help find his daughter.

Family and friends set out to find the girl who had been gone for about 20 minutes. Family friend, Puna Timas heard what had happened and went looking to find his hanai-niece.

"One of our other friends caught them in the store...he grabbed the baby, took the baby home and then the dude ran was a matter of finding him before he did that to somebody else's baby," said Timas.

Coen then went to Ewa Mart down the street when Timas and another family friend tried to confront Coen. "I stopped the car and we started to approach him to tell him to stop..wait until cops came and what not. He backed up into the car over there where he tripped and fell down and so I grabbed him and waited for the cops to come by."

Neighbor and mother of three, Melinda Seward says that something like this is rare around the Ewa Beach neighborhood and that this incident makes her more cautious as a parent.

"We all watch out each other but I don't know where this guy came from, out of no where," she said. "It's kind of weird now, cannot even trust our own neighborhood, you know what I mean...that's sad."

Coen was arrested for first degree kidnapping. He remains in police custody and has not yet been charged.

This is my work and you can see additional coverage of this story at Hawaii News Now.

Monday, April 25, 2011


Often times in relationships, you go through stages. There are the stages of being strangers, getting to know each other, then eventually falling for each other, etc. People then move on to being boyfriend and girlfriend or if they are lucky, they get to the stage of having a "happily ever after." However, what about the other couples. The couples that are still in limbo. The couples that are awaiting to make it "official."

You know what I'm talking about, the couples that say that they are together but are not really together. The couples that sleep over each others houses or the couples that show up together at functions all the time but say that they aren't a "couple" because they are not "official." What does it all really mean of being official anyway? To some it may mean commitment, being faithful, sign of devotion or taking it to the next level. The list goes on and on but tell me this...What about the couples that don't care for the title? Yeah, I know there are some people that want the guys to man up and put a ring on it but what about the people that are enjoying the moment? People may say that the two of you are scared and are wasting your time but then again, since when has it been a waste of time being happy?

Like the the couples that don't have to disclose their personal business when people ask invasive questions. The couples that don't have to tell everyone on their facebook who they are kicking it with on their downtime.  The couples that don't need fancy jewelry to remind them of how much they are loved. The couples that don't necessarily need a title to prove to another person when in a crowd of a million, that they are the only one that they notice. The couples that just merely enjoy the company of that one special person.

Because to some, it doesn't matter where the future may lead the two of them. Whether together or apart, those are the type of people that are happy that they had met, are happy that they are spending time together, are happy that their lives have intertwined in this lifetime, and are happy that they will have memories that can never be taken away. Because people like me don't need a title to express just how much my heart feels for you.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Lovin' For The Last Time

Because homie Jozen wrote a blog on how it would be like to be with someone for the last time, it made me think. Yeah, I agree. I would be sad, just knowing that it would be the last time being intimate with that person. It has to sting a little. However as bitter sweet as it can be, you have to make that last time memorable. Because if it's going to be the last time, you better make it so memorable that there is no way that you could deny that very moment, even if you two don't ever talk again.

The emotion, the attachment, the memories, the physical touch, the tension--it all has to add up. You want to leave on a good note and so you might as well give it all you got until you drop. Release and ease the tension a little. Then I heard this song by Britney Spears (yeah, yeah, I'm a fan) and the lyrics are EXACTLY how I would want it if it were my last time. Who knows, the last time could be so good that it might be the solution you need to reconcile your differences. ;)

..."So come on won’t you give me something to remember? Baby shut your mouth and turn me inside out. Even though we couldn’t last forever, baby. You know what I want right now."

Monday, April 11, 2011

"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy."

-- Martin Luther King Jr.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Friends Till The End

"I'm a movement by myself but a force when we're together."

                                                                                                                        - Laurie V., homegirl

There are so many people in this world and it is on us on who we let into our world. Some I have known for just a few minutes and some I've known for years, but all great people in their own right. It truly amazes me on the things that they offer me, whether it is knowledge or memories--I would not have them in any other way. All of the friends at this present moment are blue prints of what true friends are all about.

This past month has been crazy for me both professionally and personally. It is just so reassuring to know that I have a bunch of people in my corner to support and encourage me in everything that my heart desires; even if it meant having my back on things that they did not personally feel comfortable with. It hurt to break down for a hot minute and surrender myself to the madness but both my best guy friends and girl friends put me in check. Because a true friend will spit the bitter sweet truth, they would never lie to your face but put salt to heal your wounds and to restore your faith.

And just because, these people went far and beyond. It made me realize why we are still friends to this day and it is because of rocky moments like these that help define our relationships. They'll hold my hand or let me lean on their shoulder because they are loyal. They'll rescue me from the storm or catch a grenade for me and not expect anything in return. They'll even hear the same damn problems and tell you the same advice, willing to do it over and over again--because they know that you've done the same. These people got Miguel's "sure thing" love for me and I got them.

To my loves that have called, chatted, texted, and/or spent a little QT with me...I love you. Thank you for turning the sad tears into happy ones. Thank you for lifting my spirits from the drenches. Thank you for replacing my bulb and turning my swag back on. Thank you for reminding me of why you all love me and why you'll always be in my life. I love the fact that I have a force that can't be reckoned with.

"If you ever find yourself stuck in the middle of the sea, I'll sail the world to find you. If you ever find yourself lost in the dark and you can't see, I'll be the light to guide you."

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

"It is ALL LIES until YOU SEE it with your own eyes."

Don't Be So Naive.
Don't Assume.
Don't Gossip or Spread Them.
Get Your Facts.
Pay No Mind But Your Own.

Because YOU are suppose to be GROWN. 

♥Yours Truly

Monday, April 4, 2011

This Is My Confession...

I don't have a lot of sand in my hour glass babe. I over stuff every pocket I have, I'm always running on E and my stomach is never satisfied but hungry for more. So let's not sugar coat anything, let's cut the chase and let's do things the way we have always done it - STRAIGHT raw. This is becoming ridiculously redundant and honestly, we have better things to be working on with people that truly matter to us.

So let me air it and lay it out for you. This may be much for you but I have to be true to myself and admit this out loud. I like you and I care for you. I know that you know, yet we casually bring it up and go on like nothing was ever mentioned. We say that we want to live in the moment, create more moments yet never lose these moments. Although, these emotions that I have contradict what what we say yet encourage my gestures. All I really want to do is kick it with you, to compliment you, to be enough for you.

I don't expect anything but honesty yet it seems that I can't trust myself with you. My intuition has never failed me and yet here I am telling it to kick rocks when deep down inside I know that it's just trying to warn me for what's ahead. I know you feel like I'll never catch on but I have to give you a round of applause because your performance is a show that I've seen before. Like when you whisper little somethings in my ear to get me going. I'll admit that they are pretty slick but just know that those lines are empty nothings that I find amusing because you can't fool a girl that has already mastered those plays. There are things that can play with my mind but I'll never let anyone compromise my dignity for their own self-assurance. Baby, you are feeding me a dish of bull because to you I'm just miss "right now." But I'll reiterate this right now; I'm the miss that is right-headed enough to say these things vociferously without personal anguish.

I've never asked you to dish a dime but to just spend time. I relentlessly work hard to be the best that I can be and I want you to see that. I want you to acknowledge the fact that I'm not one of those girls that will be stuck on stupid and pause their lives because of love. I want you to absorb that I'm a woman that is doing what she loves, that is high on life, discovering the world, and meeting new people..yet anxiously awaiting to come home to you - a reputable man that loves her.

So yes, commitment may have been a relevant issue but the only thing that I want babe is for you to commit to the nurturing aspect of this relationship. We may not ever end up together but I want us to become a cultivation of knowledge and experience so that we not only help or learn from each other; but feed off the force of inspiration that only comes alive because we are a part of each others lives.

With these words my love, please excuse the magnitude-- I just wanted to get this off my chest. It's better to reveal a taste of what is going on inside then regret words that I never had the encourage to utter. So if this is too much for you I totally understand because with or without, the show must go on. So for the sake of you and I, don't waste my time, respect my mind, and understand my grind.

I can only hope that you are truly the man that I've always pictured you to be.