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Monday, April 25, 2011


Often times in relationships, you go through stages. There are the stages of being strangers, getting to know each other, then eventually falling for each other, etc. People then move on to being boyfriend and girlfriend or if they are lucky, they get to the stage of having a "happily ever after." However, what about the other couples. The couples that are still in limbo. The couples that are awaiting to make it "official."

You know what I'm talking about, the couples that say that they are together but are not really together. The couples that sleep over each others houses or the couples that show up together at functions all the time but say that they aren't a "couple" because they are not "official." What does it all really mean of being official anyway? To some it may mean commitment, being faithful, sign of devotion or taking it to the next level. The list goes on and on but tell me this...What about the couples that don't care for the title? Yeah, I know there are some people that want the guys to man up and put a ring on it but what about the people that are enjoying the moment? People may say that the two of you are scared and are wasting your time but then again, since when has it been a waste of time being happy?

Like the the couples that don't have to disclose their personal business when people ask invasive questions. The couples that don't have to tell everyone on their facebook who they are kicking it with on their downtime.  The couples that don't need fancy jewelry to remind them of how much they are loved. The couples that don't necessarily need a title to prove to another person when in a crowd of a million, that they are the only one that they notice. The couples that just merely enjoy the company of that one special person.

Because to some, it doesn't matter where the future may lead the two of them. Whether together or apart, those are the type of people that are happy that they had met, are happy that they are spending time together, are happy that their lives have intertwined in this lifetime, and are happy that they will have memories that can never be taken away. Because people like me don't need a title to express just how much my heart feels for you.

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