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Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Traits of The Opposite Sex

Recently, several friends have ask me what I look for in a guy and some laughed at me because it doesn't surprise them that my list never changes. Besides the obvious of a person being faithful, here are the traits that I adore when dealing with the opposite sex:

5. Humor
I've always said that if a guy can make me laugh then he is a keeper. Life has its serious moments and humor during those moments helps ease the tension and establishes some sort of comfort. Someone that has a sense of humor shows me that they are optimistic. In life, you need to surround yourself with people like that because who likes debbie downers? Good things happen. Bad things happen. Life happens. If that one person can laugh with me when we've both said or have done something foolish, then that means hours of fun just being in each other's company.

4. Adventurous
I've sky dived. I love the outdoors. I love trying all sorts of food. I love to travel. I feel that life is too short and that we should be crossing everything off of our bucket lists while having the time of our lives. I dislike boring. I dislike not being challenged. So every so once in a while, I seek out adventures to conquer. What makes these adventures a lot more memorable are the people that you do them with. I know that many people have phobias but if you hold my hand while I conquer a fear of mine, I promise that I will do the same. Life should be an adventure. There are many things that may scare us but the one thing that I've always tried to tell myself is this: "Being afraid got no one anywhere."

3. Ambition/Dreams
My guy has to be ambitious because ambition means drive. My guy can't be all talk and no implementation because the ladies can agree with me when I say that an ambitious man with a plan is sexy. The thing is that I have dreams and ambitions too. Things happen for a reason and in this life, sometimes you only have one shot. There is nothing that I love more about a person than their will to support me to help reach my dreams. Get it straight, I will support my man in any way that I can as well, even if it means distance between us or time taken away from us. Why do you say? Because like Wale said, "I like the person that you are but I’m in love with the person that you have potential to be."

2. Family
I come from two huge Filipino families. On top of that, being born and raised here in the islands, family is everything to me. To me, family means foundation. If you don't get along with my families or vice versa then I'm sorry honey, it's just not going to work. I can also tell a lot about a guy by the way he talks and treats his family. Meeting a significant other's family gives me a sneak peak of how he was brought up and how it may be if we were to ever settle down. Like what they say, you are marrying "into the family." 

1. Intellect
I wear many different hats and I inter-mingle with all sorts of people. I have the career-girl hat, the school-girl hat, the fun girl hat, the protective sister hat and more. So my guy needs to know how to converse with all types of people and needs to have endurance to keep up with me. I need to be able to bring my boy out to a friends bbq but at the same time, he needs to dress-up clean too. My boy needs to have a personality that can adapt. The reason why intellect is #1 is because no matter what my guy and I may go through, he needs to respect my mind and must have the ability to bring new things to my table. He and I may not agree on a lot of things but at the same time, I love a person that can hold their ground and explain their reasoning. Nothing intrigues me more than a person that can hold a conversation while enhancing my mind set.

So I don't care if you can't buy me a house with a white-picked fence and I don't care if you aren't tall, dark or handsome. Money doesn't buy my happiness and looks eventually fade with age. So you can throw out those pick up lines and screw those dating rules...because on the real, you need to find someone that compliments you.

I know that in this world, people are not perfect but I'd like to think that there is someone out there for everyone.

..."Oh baby, bring it all to me but I don't need no fancy cars or diamond rings. Oh baby, bring it all to me. Give me your time, your love, your space, your energy."...

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