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Monday, January 25, 2010

All In Dignity

I have always valued my relationships with my family, friends and acquaintances. Whether I see them everyday or once every 10 years, I would like to think that they value my friendship the same way that I value theirs. When it comes to relationships, the word perfect does not exist. Despite the trials and tribulations, you would like to think that a person would at least give you the type of respect that any human being deserves.

With every problem individual’s face, some often release their thoughts by keeping it to themselves, talking to others, or writing them down. However when it all comes down to confiding in someone, I can proudly say that I only confide in a certain amount of individuals. There are certain people that I talk to about certain things and there are only two people that know everything (like my bff since the first grade and the other, my future maid of honor). Some people may think that my two sources of release would be bias but they have told me flat out if I have done wrong or crossed the lines, getting me to admit my faults.

You would think that if there is a problem between you and another person that they would not get people involved because that is the adult and mature thing to do. It is one thing to seek others thoughts regarding your situation but it’s another thing to put someone on blast for everyone to see. Guess some people want to maintain their image of being the good person that they are. However in reality, everyone has a good and bad side to them. The difference between me and other people in this world is that I won't point out a person’s faults for the whole world to criticize in order to make me feel adequate because that is just not how I play, especially with accusations that are based on false interpretations. Why would you need to tell everyone on your facebook list about your personal issues with someone? Do you need validation for your actions or what you are feeling? It may not be in other people's play book but I been taught to play fair and I know how it feels when others play dirty.

Whoever said that "sticks and stones will break my bones but words would never hurt me" is a liar. I'd rather feel the deadly wrath of his again--over 200 lbs., standing at 5'9 with a brick hand and a 100 times over then hear words that deface my character. I'll admit that I'm not perfect. I have done things that I'm not too proud of but let's just set the record straight, my heart has never wandered. People now days make assumptions with no hard evidence or believe everything that they read on the internet without asking you the load down face to face, knowing that you got actual sources to authenticate your story. I'd rather be cut up with bruises all over then to hear someone that I thought that I could trust, be the cruel and heartless person that they said they would never be. You’ve got medical remedies to heal your cuts and bruises but there are no guaranteed fixes for cruel words. It's hard to be heard when someone has other people whispering their useless two cents in their ear because lets face it...the person that is trying to argue with you is arguing about a pointless issue off of things that are non-existent.

In relationships, you can push the blame when you both face a problem but all in takes two to tango. I could straight call this person out and stoop down to their level but what good would that do? I could say things like “although true beauty lies within the beholder, with you, your heart is stone cold and worthless” but I’m not. I don’t have to prove nothing to anyone but that one person that I’m having issues with. We can’t change the past or determine our future but we can take care of what we are dealing with right now. Whether it hurts to face our problems, when it comes to someone that I love and care is hard to just walk away from it because I’m not a quitter. How can I be revived when this person uses other mediums to communicate with me instead of talking face to face? Whether this person wants me in their life or not, my doors have no lock and is open for discussions of clarification.

With reasons of all in dignity, through the good and bad, the tears and smiles, my wrong doings along with yours…all I can do is respect your wishes because I know that your stubbornness is as strong as mine. Maybe we took each other for granted, maybe we lost our way but my heart never second guessed or strayed away and always stood strong to weather out the storm. Although beaten and battered, throughout these years I have stood by this person’s side despite what he has done to me and despite what others have said. Why you say? Maybe it’s because you always think that things will get better in time and you would think that despite everything that you two have gone through, they would give you the decency to stop pointing fingers, setting pride aside and to at least consider the thought, that no one's to blame... maybe the game that the two of you had played left the both of you in a stale mate.

“We could've made everything ok but we just threw the blame back and forth. We treated love like a sport. The final blow hit so low I'm still on the ground.”

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