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Monday, May 16, 2011

World Offering

Sometimes when times get hard, we look at ourselves and ask the question "why?" Why are we put into this life, in this position and at this given time. We ponder and think to ourselves, "what am I doing wrong?" when we don't get what we want, when we want it. In reality there is nothing wrong with us. Many of us have dreams, aspirations and goals whether it is short or long-term. However, life does not come easy and without the tribulations, there can be no triumphs.

Many times we don't recognize our potential because we are too busy being self critics. Looking at our faults and nit picking at our weaknesses, we slowly start becoming pessimists instead of optimists. We tend to forget that no one is entirely perfect and that we are blessed in our own individual ways. Everyone has a chance to be something great and share that greatness with the people around them. They say that laughter is contagious, well I've said that sharing love is infectious. People often don't know that it is the little things that can make a person feel special, ease a situation, leaving someone with an impression that will embedd into their memories. We all may have different missions in this lifetime but I know one thing is for sure, we were all meant to share what we embody...our ideas, our talents and our hearts.

I know that each and every one of us try to strive for the best in life because we all deserve the best that life has to offer. It is all entirely up to us on how we want to achieve our dreams because after all, we are in control of our own lives. We are constantly trying to search for the best because often times, we want to out do ourselves and we tend to think that there is better and bigger after each accomplishment. However, what if we thought of things in a different perspective. Instead of striving to get the best out of life, why don't we strive to give life the best out of us. There is the saying that we reap what we sow, but what about us thinking of it in retrospect to where we we teach other people how to reap as well, so that we can reap dreams of building a better tomorrow.

As corny as that may sound, all of us has something to give. Because in the end, there’s a lot more you can offer the world than the world can offer you.

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