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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

A Girls Intuition

I just don't get it. When guys lie to us females. I've always said that a girls intuition is stronger than a man's because it is an instinct that is a part of our nature. The females that I run with are very observant, mindful and are debatable. So when guys try to lie, they are just wasting their time. A girls intuition is something that should not be reckoned with.

Sometimes it makes me wonder about guys that think that they can run game or blatantly tell a white or half lie. Guys like that may think that we nice women are gullible and are fools but don't you worry; in the end we will have the last laugh because we have seen it all to many times. Some guys boast that they can blind side women with their ways but what those guys don't know is that we see right through them and we see it as this: just a different competitor with a play that is about to get juked.

So guys be mindful of this. When you run something and us women don't give you crap about it, don't be so quick to celebrate with your boys--just so that you can tell them just how you big of a man you are for getting away with it. Because inside we are laughing at the fact that you think we are so naive not to think things through. And if we ask you something that hits a nerve of yours, don't get so irritated because smart women don't just conjure up stories just for fun or just so that they can add a little drama to make the relationship interesting; women ask because they don't want to assume. What guys need to realize is that women are like the police, we can have all the evidence in the world but we still want a confession.

It is not that we are monitoring you, it is just a different story when you try to the test the mutual trust of the relationship. When guys lie, it is a sign of disrespect because you would think that anyone in general would be adult enough to tell you the truth. So when us females ask you a question, don't give us an alibi. Tell us what really went down. Lies don't end a relationship, usually the truth does but if you got enough time to compose a lie then the obvious truth is, you can't deal with the actuality of your actions.

So let's keep it real. If you are not real with yourself then you don't deserve to be with someone that has been nothing but honest with you. So boys don't test a woman's intuition because it is as if you are trying to substantiate their intelligence. And just because you got away with things in the past, don't underestimate...because the love that she has for you, it will trump over yours. Just when you thought that she won't sense a thing, love always has a way of catching up to lies and when the time comes, your lies won't be able to look her straight in the eyes.

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