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Sunday, August 15, 2010

Eat. Pray. Love.

The New York Best Seller has finally become a motion picture and is based on Elizabeth Gilbert's real life after her divorce. Trying to find substance in her newly single life, Gilbert found herself unhappy after what she thought would be a decision that will help her find peace. On a venture to find herself, she decides to take a year off and spend her time between Italy, India and Bali.

I've read the book twice and I love it when my favorite books are put on the big screen. It's been a while since I've familiarized myself with the book and at the movie's premiere, it  helped shed light onto some things that I have experienced. I don't want to spoil the movie for anyone that did not watch it but here are some things that I learned.

"I am a better person when I have less on my plate."

I'm a food lover but the consequences of eating good food means buying new clothes. hehe. Sometimes I feel that people in this modern society try to fit a mold that is advertised as being perfect or "in" which then translates into constantly being obsessed to follow that trend. We often follow that trend because we want to be accepted like everyone else instead of being an outcast. However what I tend to find is that food is an outlet of learning culture. On the rooftop of your mouth, you can taste the grain of salt that makes that recipe that much better. Because who knows how many trial and error sessions had to be overcome to get that recipe just right. Food is such a big part of every culture. Why not learn the depth of international cultures by tasting it?

Not only does food satisfy your cravings but I often find myself enjoying great conversations over great food. You eat to satisfy your body. If your body isn't satisfied, your mind will not be either.

"You were given life; it is your duty and also your entitlement as a human being to find something beautiful within life, no matter how slight."

Being raised in a Catholic household, you often pray to either give thanks or to ask for help. As long as I can remember, I prayed most of the time for the blessings in my life because I didn't know how to ask for help. Wait, let's scratch that. It's not that I didn't know how to ask for help, I think it's because when you ask for are sort of confessing that you have either done wrong or have lost your way over a decision that you may have known was not right.

I'm not afraid to ask for help but I have a lot of pride. To pray for help to me can be summed in one word: admittance. I don't like admitting that I need help, I don't like admitting that I'm hurt, I don't like to admit that I'm weak. However as much as you don't want to admit it, even if it is to become the opposite of what you say you are not. When it comes to anything for spiritual balance, you must surrender yourself completely. Once you admit to something, you past through the fluff and reach the core. You must work from the inside first then work your way out. To admit to something does not mean revealing how vulnerable you are, admitting shows how committed you are to work towards something better.

"A soul mates purpose is to shake you up, tear apart your ego a little bit, show you your obstacles and addictions, break your heart open so new light can get in, make you so desperate and out of control that you have to transform your life."

The four letter words that has no concrete definition gets me every time. It holds different meanings to different people in different situations that can be used at different times. Like many people, past relationships revises a persons list of what they want in a significant other and teaches a person of what to do better in the current or next relationship. I on one hand have often drowned myself not in the love of a man but in the love of my work. Then just when I find that the water is slowly draining out of my love life, I try to take a deep plunge back in order to refill it. Although, sometimes it's not that easy because when you take a plunge or drown yourself in anything for the love of it, you sometimes lose yourself. Sometimes you are just too far from shore and are stuck in the current, you find yourself alone with no one to rescue you and you find yourself thinking that drowning is the only option you have. When it comes to love of anything, don't drown yourself in it but soak in it. Things are not meant to consume you, they are merely meant to be additions to your life.

I know that love is tricky for everyone because everyone has their own reasons of why they haven't reached their happily ever after yet...but what I realized from watching the movie is that when it comes to love, many people are afraid. They withhold themselves to become emotionally involved because they don't want to set themselves for heartbreak, they believe that by being will prevent them from being hurt. However not only do you withhold your heart and self, you withhold yourself from other lessons, people, and life. Sooner or later, you will learn that without love, you'll have no depth in life. The love for something is all in the risk and being hurt is just one of them. To be hurt is a part of love and love is a part of life. Gilbert has said in the book, "this is a good sign, having a broken heart. It means we have tried for something." I'd rather to have tried for something then accept the fact of the what ifs because I did nothing.

The movie had really taught me more about myself and what I need to do in order to be who I want to become. With all that said, go and watch the movie and be inspired. I hope that it will help you see things in a better perspective.

"People tend to think that happiness is a stroke of luck, something that will descend like fine weather if you're fortunate. But happiness is the result of personal effort. You fight for it, strive for it, insist upon it, and sometimes even travel around the world looking for it. You have to participate relentlessly."

1 comment:

  1. "However not only do you withhold your heart and self, you withhold yourself from other lessons, people, and life."

    So damn true.

    Wonderful post Manang
