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Thursday, August 5, 2010

Still Standing

I swear that trash talking has elevated since social networking has been a way of communication. People that can’t say things to your face create post status updates for their whole social network to see. Have you ever experienced that? Where you know that it’s targeted towards you because who else would be their ex? or who else have they been dating? or who else have they been having disagreements with? Some say that they keep their stuff generic and then people take it personal. However, how can it be generic when there is a connotation or a word that has your name written all over it?

What’s worse is that there are friends that comment on that status update only to add to the bulk of trash talk yet they only know one-side of the story. People like that just have no class because even though as we get older, we are suppose to know better—those people still have the mentality of a grade school kid because they want to tell everyone their personal business. Who talks smack about their ex? About their baby mama? About their baby daddy? About an ex friend? About an enemy? If the incident happened so long ago and that person says that they have moved on then why these posts? Maybe they need some support to justify their actions or maybe they want to shed the light of them being the "better" person. Some may say that this blog is a contradiction of this post. However,  I  have never named anyone and I simply keep it generic to the point where anyone can relate to the posts. That is the difference.

So what if you see status updates of: “He didn’t pay child support today,” “She was late to pick up our baby,” “She is a psycho ex, I want to delete her out of my life,” “He is such a bad boyfriend, he treats me so bad.” Before you go agreeing on someone’s post because you know the logistics of the dilemma why don’t you step back and not be the naïve person that you will be when you comment on that status. Because did you know he used to hit her? That she called his new girl because someone anonymously texted her? That he up and left her after she lost their baby? That she was caught up in an over-time shift? That maybe it’s because he was saving up to buy the bike that your son has always wanted? Just remember that there are always two-sides to a story so don’t be so quick to jump the gun.

Unlike some people, my friends tell me straight when I’ll be acting a fool, when I have given someone more chances than deserved and tell me what’s best for both people in the conflicted situation even if it means not getting what I thought was suitable. Just remember you cannot control what a person does but you can control how you react. So when someone has something bad to say about you on the internet or to your face, let them do what they have to do to make them feel adequate with their lives.

Let them tell their entire friends list of the wrongs that you have done or lies about you. You know the truth, you know what happened and you don’t need to parade around for anyone because you don’t owe anyone anything, you only owe it to yourself to be the better person. Let them call you names because people that spend so much time talking about situations that don’t directly involve them, just shows you that they love concentrating on other people’s faults instead of trying to improve their own personal demons. Let them say that you are pulling the victim card because the true meaning of acting like a victim, seem to fit the criteria of telling the whole world that they were done wrong by a person's actions just so that they can receive sympathy from the people that are willing to listen. We are too old to be pointing fingers and to be playing the blame game. Come on now. Accept what has happened and move on because the more you talk about it, the more you concentrate on it, the more it shows that you are not over it.

I don't know all the lessons of life but I know this: Life is too short to be concentrating on the bad things that has happened to you in life or the people that have betrayed you. You shouldn't be concentrating on something that is counter-productive. Ignore the noise so that you can concentrate on the melody. People come and go while life shifts you up and down. Things happen for a reason and it is all up to you on how you adjust.

..."I been through the storm. Had dirt on my name. I'm still holding on, champion of the game.Whatever don't kill you make you stronger...See I done a whole lotta growin'. You can bet your last that my head won't hit the floor. never, and I'm still standing"...

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